Mastering French: What’s Getting In Your Way?

Mastering French: What’s Getting In Your Way?

Salut mes amis, (Hello my friends)

J’espère que vous allez bien! (I hope you are well)!

So let me tell you a little bit about my journey learning French and how I finally got the hang of it with some steps.

When I decided to learn French a couple of years ago, I had so many challenges!

First few weeks after attending classes, I stopped going because I had heard another student say she had been taking classes for a year and could barely have a 5 minutes conversation!

Imagine my horror. Money can not waste o. 😱

I had no idea how long it would take me to learn, how I would make out time when I had a full time job, how much it would cost me to become almost as good as a native speaker or where I could even get authentic materials to use to learn.

I did not understand the tenses or why the French words had genders.

I was terrified of speaking for fear that someone would laugh at my accent or mispronunciation.

Listening was another problem entirely because they spoke too fast.

I even tried reading but having to make reference to my dictionary each time just became tiring.

I made so many mistakes and spent half the time overthinking instead of just doing.

I don’t want you to make the same mistakes or have fears.

If I was starting afresh, I’d do a number of things differently. Trust me, you’re not alone. 😊

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Hope to see you there!


Jusqu’à la prochaine fois! (Until next time)!

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