Months of the Year/ Days of the Week

Months of the Year/ Days of the Week

Salut mes amis, (Hello my friends)

J’espère que vous allez bien! (I hope you are well)!

Thank you all for joining my webinar last week Tuesday and Thursday! It was awesome and I’m so happy I could answer your questions and tell you more about my French journey and myself. I’ve got another webinar coming up soon so be on the look out. 😃

Today is a 2-in-1 combo! We are starting the week of with learning days of the week and months of the year. So if it’s your birthday this month, learn how to say it in French! We are in May and it’s springtime now around the world and so beautiful. You see the flowers blooming, trees begin to grow and reproduce and the weather gets warmer. Simply amazing. Now, the first thing to remember is that in French, the days of the week are all masculine in gender.


Monday: Lundi, which can be pronounced as lawndi

Tuesday: Mardi, which can be pronounced as mardi

Wednesday: Mercredi which can be pronounced as meh-cray-di

Thursday: Jeudi, which can be pronounced as jeu-di

Friday: Vendredi, which can be pronounced as von-drow-di.

Saturday: Samedi, which can be pronounced as sam-eddy

Sunday: Dimanche, which can be pronounced as di-mun-shh

Also, please remember that when writing a date in French, you should always put ‘le’ (masculine word for ‘the’) and then put the month in small letters. For example,  ‘Le Saint-Valentin est le 14 février which means Valentine’s Day is February 14th. If you want to tell someone your birth date, you can say ‘mon anniversaire est le 18 mai’.


January: Janvier can be pronounced john-vee-yay

February: Février can be pronounced fair-vree-yay

March: Mars can be pronounced is mars

April: Avril can be pronounced is ah-vril

May: Mai can be pronounced is Meh

June: Juin can be pronounced Ju-wan

July: Juillet can be pronounced joo-yeh

August: Août can be pronounced uu-tt

September: Septembre can be pronounced sept-ummbrr. Imagine saying ‘slept’ without the ‘l’.

October: Octobre can be pronounced oak-tub-br. Like pronouncing bath’tub’.

November: Novembre can be pronounced no-vum-br.

December: Decembre can be pronounced di-sum-br

That’s it! Simple right? So tell me, did you find pronouncing it easier? Also, try writing out your birthday with the example I used above and show me in the comment section! I’d love to know all your birthdays.

Jusqu’à la prochaine fois! (Until next time)!

10 thoughts on “Months of the Year/ Days of the Week

    1. Salut Ken! Joyeux anniversaire en retard. Happy you got it right. Keep practicing please and thank you so much for stopping by. 😊

    1. Salut Wande! Joyeux anniversaire en avance! Delighted you understood it. Thank you so much for stopping by! 🤗

    1. Salut Funke! Great try. Next time use the number. Eg Mon anniversaire est le 23 janvier. Thank you for stopping by! 😊

    1. Salut Nkem! Joyeux anniversaire en avance! I’m happy you got it. Thank you so much for stopping by! 🤗

    1. Salut Pat! Joyeux anniversaire en avance! August is such a beautiful month. Thank you so much for stopping by! 🤗

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